Once again we are excited to host Vacation Bible School at Sunnyvale. It will be five days of games, crafts, snacks, bible stories, and prayer. This year the theme is tropical "Thunder Island" and the focus each day will be about Jesus, His love, and His ministry. Please Join Us.... Day 1: June 22 from 9:45AM to 12:30PM Day 2: June 24 from 6PM to 8PM Day 3: June 26 from 6PM to 8PM Day 4: June 28 from 6PM to 8PM Day 5: June 29 from 9:45AM to 12:30PM Registration is open for all ages. Just fill out the google form and you're set: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfprh78Bp7UBX-ktb9S6cpc-Q44c772eBP99zc-ZVQ4W41PGQ/viewform We also are looking for adult volunteers* to help us run VBS. Specifically we need someone to be a timekeeper and help groups rotate. We need someone to run the craft station and someone to run the snack station. We'd love to have someone volunteer to be our "runner". The job of "runner" is to run out and buy/find whatever it is we forgot and desperately need for that day. We're also looking for people to help us make decorations like palm trees and coral. If you have a student looking for community service hours we'd love to have them sign up to be small group leaders. We currently have 3 leaders signed up and need at least 3 more. Their job would be to help the kids they are assigned get to stations and keep them on task. Any student that works the whole VBS plus attends the orientation will receive no less than 13 hours. Please use the google form to sign up and you're set. *Per CCC guidelines any person age 18 or older that volunteers for VBS must complete a LiveScan fingerprint AND mandatory reporter training.*