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SF Philadelphian SDA Church


"The Beginning of a Journey"--a thought

Last edited by Helen Hill on Oct 22, 2024
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"People are predicting what will eventually become their reality, simply because they're subscribing to certain beliefs.

It's called a self-fulfilling prophecy and it works like this:  A belief about something causes us to act accordingly.  Picture yourself as the creator of a self-fulfilling prophecy.  For instance, you may initially believe you can't do something; therefore, you don't try.

Without tying, nothing happens.  When nothing happens, you have proof that your self-fulfilling prophecy was accurate.

A self-fulfilling prophecy doesn't have to be negative or self-defeating; it can be constructive if used in a positive way.  All of us have made predictions based on past experiences and beliefs.  The trick is learning to make self-fulfilling prophecies that are positive or health-supporting rather than limiting or self-defeating.

Your potential is reached by believing in your abilities.  What you see as being possible, what you believe as being likely, and what you value as being sacred, will be who you become.  

The continuation of your jourey begins with your next self-fulfilling prophecy.  What will it be?"